Aberdale Shelties ~ Where quality is no coicidence!

Me and my little man Myles

Me and my little man Myles
Aberdale began in 1990 and was established with the CKC in 1991
Life member of the CKC
"Where quality is no co-incidence"
In the past I have been both active in and out of the conformation, obedience and rally rings with my introduction to shelties starting in 1990 which culminated in an OTCh (Obedience Trial Champion) in 1994 with my first sheltie OTCh. Tam Ann's Bit Of A Difference Am CDX, FbM. CGN Multi Am/Can HIT. He was also 9th Top (all breed) Obedience dog and 4th top obedience sheltie in Canada for 1994 (Huge thanks goes out to Deb Desjardine (Campaign Dog Academy) and Isobel Hutton for your friendship and knowledge over the years). In the midst of starting in obedience I was getting involved in beginning my "line" of shelties and began my start in the conformation ring with the purchase a young bitch from Joan Guest (Mountaintop shelties) who gave me my start showing in the conformation ring and became Can. Ch. Mountaintops Rumor Has It "Whisper" who sadly does not trace back from any of my present day dogs. My main mentor was Cathy Pickard of Kincardine shelties who so freely shared her friendship and knowledge of structure and movement and greatfully shared a beautiful sable bitch Ch. Kincardine Aberdale Cavalcade, who is the foundation of my lines. I in turn have helped share that knowledge to many other sheltie fanciers hopefully continuing the great knowledge of structure and movement that was so graciously shared with me. I will not forget the very backbone of my breeding program and who I am forever in debt to, Randy Sheets of Krentel Shelties for believing in me enough, a young novice breeder with big dreams, to entrust a beautiful blue merle puppy with me 2 years after I called him up to inquire when I fell in love with the beautiful outline in the Sheltie Pacesetter of Am Ch. Krentel Attention To Detail, this puppy's sire. This blue merle puppy is the late Am.Can.Ch.Krentel Aberdale Silversmith ROMC "Sterling" who went on to be the sire of 20 Canadian Champions and 1 Am. UKC Multi BIS Champion. Lately (2017) I dabbled in some Rally Obedience with a puppy and went on to #2 Sheltie, #4 in the Herding Group and #9 all breeds in Canada all by the age of 15 months, trained and shown by myself. I am proud to see others carry on down with my lines and who have kept their standards high as well in health, temperament and structure. My dogs have excelled in all venues on both sides of the border and overseas and are behind several kennels now, proving not only do we breed for true sheltie beauty and structure but brains and good health as well. I strive to always maintain the breed standard in mind when doing any breedings, always seeking to improve each and every generation, and always strive for healthy happy dogs with sound structure, true sheltie temperament and personalities so that they can excel as family pets first and foremost and still maintain the classic beauty and qualities of the wonderful little dog I am devoted to, the dog they call the sheltie, or shetland sheepdog. I am a long time breeder of quality Canadian Kennel Club registered Shetland sheepdogs. I try to health check my dogs prior to breeding and I screen eyes, thyroid, hips, VWD (bleeding disorder) and MDR1 (drug sensitivity). Member of the Canadian Kennel Club since 1991. I am not a commercial kennel, and DO NOT supply to pet stores, puppy mills, "designer dog" breeders or dog wholesalers. All puppies are born in my bedroom beside my bed not in a "puppy room or dog room" and are raised in the middle of my family room beside my kitchen. All dogs not sold as show/breeding prospects to proven show homes are sold on strict spay/neuter contracts and will be required to be spayed/neutered at the appropriate age . All my dogs are not just a part of my family, they ARE my family and loved as such! My life revolves around my dogs, the rest are just details. |